LPN to RN Bridge Program in Tucson, AZ
The LPN to RN Bridge track of the Professional Nursing program is based upon current nursing practice, including nursing and general education courses. Classroom theory, challenging assignments, skill labs, and clinical experiences prepare students for an entry-level RN position. Upon successful completion of all program requirements, students earn an Associate's Degree in Nursing.
More information is available based on specific locations.
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Jersey College Plaza
Pass Rate
**This cumulative rate represents all 1st-time testers. Individual results may vary. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
Pass Rate
**This cumulative rate represents all 1st-time testers. Individual results may vary. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
Pass Rate
**This cumulative rate represents all 1st-time testers. Individual results may vary. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
Pass Rate
**This cumulative rate represents all 1st-time testers. Individual results may vary. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
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“The instructors were knowledgeable, understanding, and nurturing. They have assisted me in completing my goal to become a nurse.”
"It is with much pride that I was given this opportunity to share with you my experiences as a student at Jersey College. While at Jersey College I was provided with fulfilling clinical experiences that contributed to my success. The instructors were knowledgeable, understanding, and nurturing. They have assisted me in completing my goal to become a nurse.
I cannot find words to express my sincere gratitude to the faculty and staff at Jersey College. I strongly believe that Jersey College was the right choice for me."
- Tanesha W.
LPN Graduate, Teterboro Campus
Why Jersey College?
- Academic Excellence
- Community Engagement
- Diverse Student Experience
- Adaptation to Change
Jersey College is dedicated to excellence in nursing education. We are devoted to providing quality nursing education and to bridge the labor gap in the nursing field.
Some of the main benefits you will enjoy as a nursing student at Jersey College include:
- Sole focus on Nursing Education for nearly 20 years
- Individualized attention and support for our students
- The Jersey College family atmosphere
- Dedicated faculty who are passionate about the art and science of nursing
- Join a network of more than 10,000 graduates
Course # Course Title Credits HSC205 Human Body in Health and Disease* 3.0 ENG201 Composition I 4.5 HSC203 Pathophysiology 4.5 HUN201 Nutrition 4.5 MAT201 or MAT202 Math for Problem Solving & Research* or College Algebra* 4.5 PSY201 Life Span Development 4.5 SOC201 Sociology 4.5 Additional Required Courses for Generic Track HSC208 Basic Anatomy and Physiology 6.0 NUS210 Healthcare Foundations 9.5 NUS212 Health Assessment and Skills 7.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS201** LPN to RN Transition 3.0 NUS213 Health Assessment and Skills 4.5 * Students at campuses in New Jersey are required to take MAT201 (Math for Problem Solving & Research) and students at campuses in Florida are required to take MAT202 (College Algebra)
** Students in LPN to RN Bridge track of the Professional Nursing program are provided with 20 quarter credits for prior learning upon completion of NUS201 (LPN to RN Transition)
Course # Course Title Credits NUR201 Medical-Surgical Nursing I Perspectives and Assessment of Care 12.0 NUR202 Geriatric Nursing: Management Concepts for Elder Care 6.0 NUR203 Psychiatric Nursing: Assessment and Management of Mental Health 6.0 NUR204 Maternal-Newborn Nursing: A Family and Community-Based Approach 6.0 NUR205 Pediatric Nursing: Care for Children and Their Families 6.0 HSC204*** Principles of Pharmacology 4.5
Course # Course Title Credits NUR210 Medical-Surgical Nursing II: Perspectives and Assessment of Care 13.5 NUR211 Nursing Leadership and NCLEX Seminar 4.5
Course # Course Title Credits HSC205 Human Body in Health and Disease* 3.0 ENG201 Composition I 4.5 HSC203 Pathophysiology 4.5 HUN201 Nutrition 4.5 MAT201 or MAT202 Math for Problem Solving & Research* or College Algebra* 4.5 PSY201 Life Span Development 4.5 SOC201 Sociology 4.5 Additional Required Courses for Generic Track HSC208 Basic Anatomy and Physiology 6.0 NUS210 Healthcare Foundations 9.5 NUS212 Health Assessment and Skills 7.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS201** LPN to RN Transition 3.0 NUS213 Health Assessment and Skills 4.5 * Students at campuses in New Jersey are required to take MAT201 (Math for Problem Solving & Research) and students at campuses in Florida are required to take MAT202 (College Algebra)
** Students in LPN to RN Bridge track of the Professional Nursing program are provided with 20 quarter credits for prior learning upon completion of NUS201 (LPN to RN Transition)
Course # Course Title Credits NUR201 Medical-Surgical Nursing I Perspectives and Assessment of Care 12.0 NUR202 Geriatric Nursing: Management Concepts for Elder Care 6.0 NUR203 Psychiatric Nursing: Assessment and Management of Mental Health 6.0 NUR204 Maternal-Newborn Nursing: A Family and Community-Based Approach 6.0 NUR205 Pediatric Nursing: Care for Children and Their Families 6.0 HSC204*** Principles of Pharmacology 4.5
Course # Course Title Credits NUR210 Medical-Surgical Nursing II: Perspectives and Assessment of Care 13.5 NUR211 Nursing Leadership and NCLEX Seminar 4.5
Course # Course Title Credits HSC205 Human Body in Health and Disease* 3.0 ENG201 Composition I 4.5 HSC203 Pathophysiology 4.5 HUN201 Nutrition 4.5 MAT201 or MAT202 Math for Problem Solving & Research* or College Algebra* 4.5 PSY201 Life Span Development 4.5 SOC201 Sociology 4.5 Additional Required Courses for Generic Track HSC208 Basic Anatomy and Physiology 6.0 NUS210 Healthcare Foundations 9.5 NUS212 Health Assessment and Skills 7.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS201** LPN to RN Transition 3.0 NUS213 Health Assessment and Skills 4.5 * Students at campuses in New Jersey are required to take MAT201 (Math for Problem Solving & Research) and students at campuses in Florida are required to take MAT202 (College Algebra)
** Students in LPN to RN Bridge track of the Professional Nursing program are provided with 20 quarter credits for prior learning upon completion of NUS201 (LPN to RN Transition)
Course # Course Title Credits NUR201 Medical-Surgical Nursing I Perspectives and Assessment of Care 12.0 NUR202 Geriatric Nursing: Management Concepts for Elder Care 6.0 NUR203 Psychiatric Nursing: Assessment and Management of Mental Health 6.0 NUR204 Maternal-Newborn Nursing: A Family and Community-Based Approach 6.0 NUR205 Pediatric Nursing: Care for Children and Their Families 6.0 HSC204*** Principles of Pharmacology 4.5
Course # Course Title Credits NUR210 Medical-Surgical Nursing II: Perspectives and Assessment of Care 13.5 NUR211 Nursing Leadership and NCLEX Seminar 4.5
Course # Course Title Credits ENG201 Composition I 4.5 HSC203 Pathophysiology 4.5 HUN201 Nutrition 4.5 MAT201 Math for Problem Solving & Research 4.5 PSY201 Life Span Development 4.5 SOC201 Sociology 4.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS201* LPN to RN Transition 3.0 NUS213 Health Assessment and Skills 4.5 * Students in LPN to RN Bridge track of the Professional Nursing program are provided with 20 quarter credits for prior learning upon completion of NUS201 (LPN to RN Transition)
Course # Course Title Credits NUR201 Medical-Surgical Nursing I Perspectives and Assessment of Care 12.0 NUR202 Geriatric Nursing: Management Concepts for Elder Care 6.0 NUR203 Psychiatric Nursing: Assessment and Management of Mental Health 6.0 NUR204 Maternal-Newborn Nursing: A Family and Community-Based Approach 6.0 NUR205 Pediatric Nursing: Care for Children and Their Families 6.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR210 Medical-Surgical Nursing II: Perspectives and Assessment of Care 13.5 NUR211 Nursing Leadership and NCLEX Seminar 4.5
Course # Course Title Credits ENG201 Composition I 4.5 HSC203 Pathophysiology 4.5 HUN201 Nutrition 4.5 MAT201 Math for Problem Solving & Research 4.5 PSY201 Life Span Development 4.5 SOC201 Sociology 4.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS201* LPN to RN Transition 3.0 NUS213 Health Assessment and Skills 4.5 * Students in LPN to RN Bridge track of the Professional Nursing program are provided with 20 quarter credits for prior learning upon completion of NUS201 (LPN to RN Transition)
Course # Course Title Credits NUR201 Medical-Surgical Nursing I Perspectives and Assessment of Care 12.0 NUR202 Geriatric Nursing: Management Concepts for Elder Care 6.0 NUR203 Psychiatric Nursing: Assessment and Management of Mental Health 6.0 NUR204 Maternal-Newborn Nursing: A Family and Community-Based Approach 6.0 NUR205 Pediatric Nursing: Care for Children and Their Families 6.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR210 Medical-Surgical Nursing II: Perspectives and Assessment of Care 13.5 NUR211 Nursing Leadership and NCLEX Seminar 4.5
- General Education ***
Course # Course Title Credits BIO202** Microbiology: Impact of Microorganisms on the Environment with Lab 4.0 ENG201** Composition I 3.0 HUN201 Nutrition 3.0 **** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab 8.0 MAT202** College Algebra 3.0 PSY201 Life Span Development 3.0 SOC201** Sociology 3.0 ***These courses may be completed in any Level, expect in Arizona where the courses must be completed prior to entering the Professional Nursing program in Level II.
**** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab may be fulfilled by either (i) HSC205, HSC206 and HSC207 (or equivalent courses BIO204, BIO205 and BIO207) or
(ii) BIO206 and BIO207.
- Level I Courses
Course # Course Title Credits Generic Option Coursework NUS215 Healthcare Foundations 6.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS216 Transitions and Health Assessment 6.5 * Credits for Prior Learning 8.0 * Students granted advanced placement in the Professional Nursing program receive upon admittance 8.0 sesmester credits for prior learning related to completion of a Practical Nursing program.
Course # Course Title Credits HSC204 Principles of Pharmacology 3.0 NUR221 Nursing II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR222 or NUR227 Nursing III: Psychiatric Nursing 5.5 / 6.0 NUR223 Nursing IV: Care of Women and Children 10.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR224 Nursing V: Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR225 or NUR228 Nursing VI: Leadership and Delegation 2.0 / 1.5 NUR226 Nursing Seminar 6.0
**Transfer credits considered for courses completed. See Academic Catalog for additional details.
- General Education ***
Course # Course Title Credits BIO202** Microbiology: Impact of Microorganisms on the Environment with Lab 4.0 ENG201** Composition I 3.0 HUN201 Nutrition 3.0 **** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab 8.0 MAT202** College Algebra 3.0 PSY201 Life Span Development 3.0 SOC201** Sociology 3.0 ***These courses may be completed in any Level, expect in Arizona where the courses must be completed prior to entering the Professional Nursing program in Level II.
**** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab may be fulfilled by either (i) HSC205, HSC206 and HSC207 (or equivalent courses BIO204, BIO205 and BIO207) or
(ii) BIO206 and BIO207.
- Level I Courses
Course # Course Title Credits Generic Option Coursework NUS215 Healthcare Foundations 6.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS216 Transitions and Health Assessment 6.5 * Credits for Prior Learning 8.0 * Students granted advanced placement in the Professional Nursing program receive upon admittance 8.0 sesmester credits for prior learning related to completion of a Practical Nursing program.
Course # Course Title Credits HSC204 Principles of Pharmacology 3.0 NUR221 Nursing II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR222 or NUR227 Nursing III: Psychiatric Nursing 5.5 / 6.0 NUR223 Nursing IV: Care of Women and Children 10.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR224 Nursing V: Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR225 or NUR228 Nursing VI: Leadership and Delegation 2.0 / 1.5 NUR226 Nursing Seminar 6.0
**Transfer credits considered for courses completed. See Academic Catalog for additional details.
- General Education***
Course # Course Title Credits BIO202** Microbiology: Impact of Microorganisms on the Environment with Lab 4.0 ENG201** Composition I 3.0 HUN201 Nutrition 3.0 **** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab 8.0 MAT202** College Algebra 3.0 PSY201 Life Span Development 3.0 SOC201** Sociology 3.0 ***These courses may be completed in any Level, expect in Arizona where the courses must be completed prior to entering the Professional Nursing program in Level II.
**** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab may be fulfilled by either (i) HSC205, HSC206 and HSC207 (or equivalent courses BIO204, BIO205 and BIO207) or
(ii) BIO206 and BIO207.
- Level I Courses
Course # Course Title Credits Generic Option Coursework NUS215 Healthcare Foundations 6.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS216 Transitions and Health Assessment 6.5 * Credits for Prior Learning 8.0 * Students granted advanced placement in the Professional Nursing program receive upon admittance 8.0 sesmester credits for prior learning related to completion of a Practical Nursing program.
Course # Course Title Credits HSC204 Principles of Pharmacology 3.0 NUR221 Nursing II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR222 or NUR227 Nursing III: Psychiatric Nursing 5.5 / 6.0 NUR223 Nursing IV: Care of Women and Children 10.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR224 Nursing V: Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR225 or NUR228 Nursing VI: Leadership and Delegation 2.0 / 1.5 NUR226 Nursing Seminar 6.0
**Transfer credits considered for courses completed. See Academic Catalog for additional details.
- General Education***
Course # Course Title Credits BIO202** Microbiology: Impact of Microorganisms on the Environment with Lab 4.0 ENG201** Composition I 3.0 HUN201 Nutrition 3.0 **** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab 8.0 MAT202** College Algebra 3.0 PSY201 Life Span Development 3.0 SOC201** Sociology 3.0 ***These courses may be completed in any Level, expect in Arizona where the courses must be completed prior to entering the Professional Nursing program in Level II.
**** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab may be fulfilled by either (i) HSC205, HSC206 and HSC207 (or equivalent courses BIO204, BIO205 and BIO207) or
(ii) BIO206 and BIO207.
- Level I Courses
Course # Course Title Credits Generic Option Coursework NUS215 Healthcare Foundations 6.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS216 Transitions and Health Assessment 6.5 * Credits for Prior Learning 8.0 * Students granted advanced placement in the Professional Nursing program receive upon admittance 8.0 sesmester credits for prior learning related to completion of a Practical Nursing program.
Course # Course Title Credits HSC204 Principles of Pharmacology 3.0 NUR221 Nursing II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR222 or NUR227 Nursing III: Psychiatric Nursing 5.5 / 6.0 NUR223 Nursing IV: Care of Women and Children 10.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR224 Nursing V: Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR225 or NUR228 Nursing VI: Leadership and Delegation 2.0 / 1.5 NUR226 Nursing Seminar 6.0
**Transfer credits considered for courses completed. See Academic Catalog for additional details.
- General Education***
Course # Course Title Credits BIO202** Microbiology: Impact of Microorganisms on the Environment with Lab 4.0 ENG201** Composition I 3.0 HUN201 Nutrition 3.0 **** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab 8.0 MAT202** College Algebra 3.0 PSY201 Life Span Development 3.0 SOC201** Sociology 3.0 ****These courses may be completed in any Level, expect in Arizona where the courses must be completed prior to entering the Professional Nursing program in Level II.
**** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab may be fulfilled by either (i) HSC205, HSC206 and HSC207 (or equivalent courses BIO204, BIO205 and BIO207) or
(ii) BIO206 and BIO207.
- Level I Courses
Course # Course Title Credits Generic Option Coursework NUS215 Healthcare Foundations 6.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS216 Transitions and Health Assessment 6.5 * Credits for Prior Learning 8.0 * Students granted advanced placement in the Professional Nursing program receive upon admittance 8.0 sesmester credits for prior learning related to completion of a Practical Nursing program.
Course # Course Title Credits HSC204 Principles of Pharmacology 3.0 NUR221 Nursing II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR222 or NUR227 Nursing III: Psychiatric Nursing 5.5 / 6.0 NUR223 Nursing IV: Care of Women and Children 10.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR224 Nursing V: Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR225 or NUR228 Nursing VI: Leadership and Delegation 2.0 / 1.5 NUR226 Nursing Seminar 6.0
**Transfer credits considered for courses completed. See Academic Catalog for additional details.
- General Education***
Course # Course Title Credits BIO202** Microbiology: Impact of Microorganisms on the Environment with Lab 4.0 ENG201** Composition I 3.0 HUN201 Nutrition 3.0 **** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab 8.0 MAT202** College Algebra 3.0 PSY201 Life Span Development 3.0 SOC201** Sociology 3.0 ***These courses may be completed in any Level, expect in Arizona where the courses must be completed prior to entering the Professional Nursing program in Level II.
**** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab may be fulfilled by either (i) HSC205, HSC206 and HSC207 (or equivalent courses BIO204, BIO205 and BIO207) or
(ii) BIO206 and BIO207.
- Level I Courses
Course # Course Title Credits Generic Option Coursework NUS215 Healthcare Foundations 6.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS216 Transitions and Health Assessment 6.5 * Credits for Prior Learning 8.0 * Students granted advanced placement in the Professional Nursing program receive upon admittance 8.0 sesmester credits for prior learning related to completion of a Practical Nursing program.
Course # Course Title Credits HSC204 Principles of Pharmacology 3.0 NUR221 Nursing II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR222 or NUR227 Nursing III: Psychiatric Nursing 5.5 / 6.0 NUR223 Nursing IV: Care of Women and Children 10.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR224 Nursing V: Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR225 or NUR228 Nursing VI: Leadership and Delegation 2.0 / 1.5 NUR226 Nursing Seminar 6.0
**Transfer credits considered for courses completed. See Academic Catalog for additional details.
- General Education***
Course # Course Title Credits BIO202** Microbiology: Impact of Microorganisms on the Environment with Lab 4.0 ENG201** Composition I 3.0 HUN201 Nutrition 3.0 **** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab 8.0 MAT202** College Algebra 3.0 PSY201 Life Span Development 3.0 SOC201** Sociology 3.0 ***These courses may be completed in any Level, expect in Arizona where the courses must be completed prior to entering the Professional Nursing program in Level II.
**** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab may be fulfilled by either (i) HSC205, HSC206 and HSC207 (or equivalent courses BIO204, BIO205 and BIO207) or
(ii) BIO206 and BIO207.
- Level I Courses
Course # Course Title Credits Generic Option Coursework NUS215 Healthcare Foundations 6.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS216 Transitions and Health Assessment 6.5 * Credits for Prior Learning 8.0 * Students granted advanced placement in the Professional Nursing program receive upon admittance 8.0 sesmester credits for prior learning related to completion of a Practical Nursing program.
Course # Course Title Credits HSC204 Principles of Pharmacology 3.0 NUR221 Nursing II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR222 or NUR227 Nursing III: Psychiatric Nursing 5.5 / 6.0 NUR223 Nursing IV: Care of Women and Children 10.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR224 Nursing V: Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR225 or NUR228 Nursing VI: Leadership and Delegation 2.0 / 1.5 NUR226 Nursing Seminar 6.0
**Transfer credits considered for courses completed. See Academic Catalog for additional details.
- General Education***
Course # Course Title Credits BIO202** Microbiology: Impact of Microorganisms on the Environment with Lab 4.0 ENG201** Composition I 3.0 HUN201 Nutrition 3.0 **** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab 8.0 MAT202** College Algebra 3.0 PSY201 Life Span Development 3.0 SOC201** Sociology 3.0 ***These courses may be completed in any Level, expect in Arizona where the courses must be completed prior to entering the Professional Nursing program in Level II.
**** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab may be fulfilled by either (i) HSC205, HSC206 and HSC207 (or equivalent courses BIO204, BIO205 and BIO207) or
(ii) BIO206 and BIO207.
- Level I Courses
Course # Course Title Credits Generic Option Coursework NUS215 Healthcare Foundations 6.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS216 Transitions and Health Assessment 6.5 * Credits for Prior Learning 8.0 * Students granted advanced placement in the Professional Nursing program receive upon admittance 8.0 sesmester credits for prior learning related to completion of a Practical Nursing program.
Course # Course Title Credits HSC204 Principles of Pharmacology 3.0 NUR221 Nursing II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR222 or NUR227 Nursing III: Psychiatric Nursing 5.5 / 6.0 NUR223 Nursing IV: Care of Women and Children 10.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR224 Nursing V: Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR225 or NUR228 Nursing VI: Leadership and Delegation 2.0 / 1.5 NUR226 Nursing Seminar 6.0
**Transfer credits considered for courses completed. See Academic Catalog for additional details.
- General Education***
Course # Course Title Credits BIO202** Microbiology: Impact of Microorganisms on the Environment with Lab 4.0 ENG201** Composition I 3.0 HUN201 Nutrition 3.0 **** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab 8.0 MAT202** College Algebra 3.0 PSY201 Life Span Development 3.0 SOC201** Sociology 3.0 ***These courses may be completed in any Level, expect in Arizona where the courses must be completed prior to entering the Professional Nursing program in Level II.
**** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab may be fulfilled by either (i) HSC205, HSC206 and HSC207 (or equivalent courses BIO204, BIO205 and BIO207) or
(ii) BIO206 and BIO207.
- Level I Courses
Course # Course Title Credits Generic Option Coursework NUS215 Healthcare Foundations 6.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS216 Transitions and Health Assessment 6.5 * Credits for Prior Learning 8.0 * Students granted advanced placement in the Professional Nursing program receive upon admittance 8.0 sesmester credits for prior learning related to completion of a Practical Nursing program.
Course # Course Title Credits HSC204 Principles of Pharmacology 3.0 NUR221 Nursing II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR222 or NUR227 Nursing III: Psychiatric Nursing 5.5 / 6.0 NUR223 Nursing IV: Care of Women and Children 10.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR224 Nursing V: Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR225 or NUR228 Nursing VI: Leadership and Delegation 2.0 / 1.5 NUR226 Nursing Seminar 6.0
**Transfer credits considered for courses completed. See Academic Catalog for additional details.
- General Education***
Course # Course Title Credits BIO202** Microbiology: Impact of Microorganisms on the Environment with Lab 4.0 ENG201** Composition I 3.0 HUN201 Nutrition 3.0 **** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab 8.0 MAT202** College Algebra 3.0 PSY201 Life Span Development 3.0 SOC201** Sociology 3.0 ***These courses may be completed in any Level, except in Arizona where the courses must be completed prior to entering the Professional Nursing program in Level II.
**** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab may be fulfilled by either (i) HSC205, HSC206 and HSC207 (or equivalent courses BIO204, BIO205 and BIO207) or
(ii) BIO206 and BIO207.
- Level I Courses
Course # Course Title Credits Generic Option Coursework NUS215 Healthcare Foundations 6.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS216 Transitions and Health Assessment 6.5 * Credits for Prior Learning 8.0 * Students granted advanced placement in the Professional Nursing program receive upon admittance 8.0 sesmester credits for prior learning related to completion of a Practical Nursing program.
Course # Course Title Credits HSC204 Principles of Pharmacology 3.0 NUR221 Nursing II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR222 or NUR227 Nursing III: Psychiatric Nursing 5.5 / 6.0 NUR223 Nursing IV: Care of Women and Children 10.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR224 Nursing V: Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR225 or NUR228 Nursing VI: Leadership and Delegation 2.0 / 1.5 NUR226 Nursing Seminar 6.0
**Transfer credits considered for courses completed. See Academic Catalog for additional details.
- General Education***
Course # Course Title Credits BIO202** Microbiology: Impact of Microorganisms on the Environment with Lab 4.0 ENG201** Composition I 3.0 HUN201 Nutrition 3.0 **** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab 8.0 MAT202** College Algebra 3.0 PSY201 Life Span Development 3.0 SOC201** Sociology 3.0 ***These courses may be completed in any Level, expect in Arizona where the courses must be completed prior to entering the Professional Nursing program in Level II.
**** Human Body in Health and Disease with Lab may be fulfilled by either (i) HSC205, HSC206 and HSC207 (or equivalent courses BIO204, BIO205 and BIO207) or
(ii) BIO206 and BIO207.
- Level I Courses
Course # Course Title Credits Generic Option Coursework NUS215 Healthcare Foundations 6.5 Additional Required Courses for LPN to RN Bridge Track NUS216 Transitions and Health Assessment 6.5 * Credits for Prior Learning 8.0 * Students granted advanced placement in the Professional Nursing program receive upon admittance 8.0 sesmester credits for prior learning related to completion of a Practical Nursing program.
Course # Course Title Credits HSC204 Principles of Pharmacology 3.0 NUR221 Nursing II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR222 or NUR227 Nursing III: Psychiatric Nursing 5.5 / 6.0 NUR223 Nursing IV: Care of Women and Children 10.0
Course # Course Title Credits NUR224 Nursing V: Advanced Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing 7.5 NUR225 or NUR228 Nursing VI: Leadership and Delegation 2.0 / 1.5 NUR226 Nursing Seminar 6.0
**Transfer credits considered for courses completed. See Academic Catalog for additional details.
Investing in your nursing career

Jersey College is ranked as a top 100 College in the United States According to a report by Georgetown University’ Center on Education and the Workforce, entitled “Ranking 4,500 Colleges by ROI (2022)” for 15-year Net Present Value.
Tuition and Financial Aid
Program Tuition & Fees*



Verification Fee (per term)

* subject to change
† Please contact your Financial Aid Planner for scholarship terms and conditions'
The Cost of Attendance (“COA”) is a technical term utilized to provide an estimate of the total amount of a student’s educational expenses during their enrollment. The components of COA are: (x) tuition and fees (books, course materials, supplies, and equipment) (“Direct College Expenses”); and (y) an allowance for (i) transportation; (ii) miscellaneous personal expenses; (iii) living expenses (including food and housing costs); (iv) a professional license and (v) dependent care and/or disability accommodations, where necessary (“Life Expenses”). This website only provides information related to Direct College Expenses; it does not include Life Expenses.
Please keep in mind that tuition and fees are subject to change. Total estimated tuition and fees are based on an estimated education plan. Students taking longer to graduate and/or enrolling in additional terms will incur additional term-based fees. Students who repeat coursework will incur additional tuition charges based on the cost of repeated coursework.
How to Finance your Education
Jersey College participates in the Federal Student Aid program offering Pell Grants and Stafford Loans to those who qualify
Frequently Asked Questions
Accreditations & Licenses
Jersey College is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education.
Learn more on our Accreditations & Licenses page.
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